Kamelia Kids Day Nursery
Kamelia Kids Day Nursery and Beach School located in Goring by Sea is Ofsted registered for children of ALL abilities from 0-8 years, offering 51 weeks full day care with breakfast and after school clubs.
Open 8am to 6pm Mon - Fri, however, we can open from 7.30am on request.
Open 8am to 6pm Mon - Fri, however, we can open from 7.30am on request.
Ferring Gardening Club
We meet the first Thursday of the month in Ferring Village Hall. Doors open at 7.30 p.m. A full list of our programme is on our notice board along with posters advertising current and future events. Visitors are always welcome.
If you would like more information, please contact our Membership Secretary - Gwen Newman on 01903 249655.