Fabric Pumpkin Making Workshop

Oct 16, 2024

19:30 - 21:00

This is a fundraiser for East Preston Infant Forest and Beach School.

As a Forest and Beach School leader at the Infant School, we always need to maintain our Forest School setting, so we are raising funds for tools, materials and supplies.

Come to my fabric pumpkin-making workshop, where I will show you a couple of methods to make some of your own. You are welcome to bring material of your own but I will be supplying all materials required.

You will be able to take anything you make home.

This group is not suitable for infant-age children as we will be using sharp scissors and glue guns.

Event organiser:

Sam Cross of Sussex Forest Activities

Contact details:

07475 770949 [email protected] www.forestactivities.co.uk bookings are under the events tab

East Preston Infants School
Lashmar Road
East Preston
BN16 1EZ