Please note this event has passed.
East Preston & Kingston Horticultural Society will be holding its annual Flower Show on Saturday, 3rd August at the Village Hall and on the Warren Recreation Ground. The show is not just about flowers – or even fruit and vegetables! Win a trophy if you sign up to compete. There are lots of competitive classes to enter including cookery, handicraft and photography. There are children’s classes, too, and children are welcome to enter the adults’ classes. Entries must be in by 4pm on Wednesday, 31st July.
All the entries will be on display from 2 pm in the village hall, while a range of entertainments will be available on the recreation ground. Attractions include Robbie the Magician, Lancing Brass Band, sideshows, stalls, tea and cakes, raffle and ice cream.
Admission: £1 adults, 50p children 5-12.
FREE for under 5s and exhibitors.
To find out about the classes, pick up a copy of the schedule from Dizzy (the diabetes charity shop in Sea Road, East Preston) or ring Celia Buckley on 01903 778921 as soon as possible. See our website and our Facebook page
All the entries will be on display from 2 pm in the village hall, while a range of entertainments will be available on the recreation ground. Attractions include Robbie the Magician, Lancing Brass Band, sideshows, stalls, tea and cakes, raffle and ice cream.
Admission: £1 adults, 50p children 5-12.
FREE for under 5s and exhibitors.
To find out about the classes, pick up a copy of the schedule from Dizzy (the diabetes charity shop in Sea Road, East Preston) or ring Celia Buckley on 01903 778921 as soon as possible. See our website and our Facebook page
Event organiser:
East Preston & Kingston Horticultural SocietyContact details:
Celia Buckley 01903 778921 or [email protected]
Warren Recreation Ground
Sea Rd
East Preston
BN16 1JP